La FAF au Spotlight on Seniors
Fédération des aînés fransaskois tiendra un kiosque lors du
Spotlight on Seniors - 25th Anniversary Edition!, évènement important pour les aînés de la Saskatchewan.
Venez rencontrer et échanger avec des membres du comité exécutif et prendre connaissance des projets en marche et ramasser des ressources.
Spotlight on Seniors - 25
th Anniversary Edition!
Spotlight 2016 will be an exciting day of entertainment, socializing, learning, food and fun!
Dozens of trade show booths highlighting leisure, hobbies, products and services for older adults:
- Blood pressure checks and interactive displays
- Free refreshments throughout the day, lunch available for purchase
- Entertainment includes:Super Ron Magic Show, Bridge City Cloggers, Kathie's Kuties, Paddlewheelers, Fiddlers John LeClaire and Len Dumont
- Ever-popular Fashion Show
- Art Experience - Blair Nelson Room
Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
TCU Place - 35 22
nd Street East, Saskatoon
Admission: $8 pay at door or purchase at SCOA office - 2020 College Drive
(Source: Fédération des aînés fransaskois)